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Friday, July 13, 2012

Day Off

Today is my day off! That is unusual for me since I work so much! Of course even since it is my day off my internal alarm clock woke me up at 4:30am freaking out since my puppy wasn't up yet. Normally my alarm goes of at 4:00am which signals the dogs to wake up and go potty. No alarm = sleep till 5 am :)! Yes I said 5 am! Even on my days off I am up at 5 am doing god knows what and getting ready in the mornings! This morning the dogs have a date at the puppy spa (Petsmart) for a little R & R away from the house. We arrived at 6:45 and walked in with the groomer who was surprised we got there early for our 7 am appointment. Once leaving there I am now back home to enjoy a quite morning with no puppies. Just me, my computer and my coffee! 
My Day will soon start with the buzzing of my cell phone from coworkers who cant handle me being out.

I must go change clothes and start my day! I'm spending it with my momma! We are going shopping and out about on the town! Somewhere in there we are having breakfast and then lunch with my Aunt. Tonight is when the fun starts cause you know in the south we don't go down till the sun comes up! 

Oh one more thing! Congratulations to my little brother Chris who is graduating from the United States Marine Corp Boot Camp today @ MCRD San Diego! I wish me and bubba could be there to cheer you on as you walk across the parade deck for the first time as a US Marine but bubba is enjoying Japan (also a Marine, yes girls I have 2 USMC Brothers, please wipe up the drool only the younger is single and I'm a very protective sister! Pictures of both below) and I cant afford Cali right now. I hope to see you when you get back! Love you! 

Chris (on left):


Any way for now I must sign off! 

Southern Princess!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Good Evening,

Welcome to my new blog! This is my first time blogging so be gentle.

I hope y'all enjoy!

Thank you,
Southern Princess