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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Baby Showers & Birthdays

These last 3 weekends have been crazy busy with Baby Showers and Birthday Parties. My best friend Lacey is having a girl!!! Audrey Candice is due in October and I absolutely can not wait!!! Her aunt & mom thew her a baby shower a few weeks ago. One of the requests from the host and the mom to be was that everyone was assigned a letter to decorate for an ABC wall in the baby's room. My assigned Letter was the W...

Here is all of the decorated letters that were brought...

Part of the party was that everyone was asked to decorate a onesie for Audrey to use. These are just a few:
Some of the onesies made!
The onesie I decorated!

Of course amazing decorations were a must with this adorably creative family:
Diapers were wrapped in baby wash cloths and topped with a sock to mimic a sleeping baby. There were put in a small doll crib and guests were instructed to unwrap the "baby" & use the cloth as a napkin. The mom to be got to take home all socks, diapers and cloths to use with Audrey. 
Okay so present time!!!! I went all home made for Audrey with my staples and any baby shower. We have 2 home made hooded towels, two receiving / nursing blankets. I also got her feeding spoons and a formula dispenser (which FYI if the mom wants to breast feed this handy gadget is also good for dry cereal mixes, small snacks etc.), I also got Audrey some of my personal favorite books: Green Eggs & Ham and Brown Bear Brown Bear. Since I am Sam I signed the green eggs & ham to add a personal touch. All of this I put into a medium size basket from Hobby Lobby and tied with a pretty bow!
My Present to Lacey & Audrey

Anyways that's all for the baby shower!!! It was so much fun and baby fever is definitely spreading! 

Until next time...
