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Sunday, January 20, 2013


In most every guys life they have that girl. No not the girlfriend, the girl friend. The girl that is friends with all the guys. Or as us girls call it the buddies. I am one of these said girls. Every guy I have ever persuaded has in one way or form become a buddy. I convince them to ask out other girls, give them relationship advise and am over all the female perspective for them. Yet there is emotional feelings other than friends. I know more about some of their personal lives than anyone and I'm the one that gets introduced as the friend Sam. It's hard, seeing every guy you have feelings for date other women. Sadly I don't feel as if I am ever going to leave this position but maybe one day I will.

On a brighter note I love my girlfriends. I recently broke up with the southern prince. Turns out he was more of a controlling monarch than prince. Well we went out for a girls night last night and lone behold the son of a b**** was there. We had previously talked about going out and where we were going. He told me he wouldn't be there but there he was. The best part is with the help of my girls I really showed him. We found me plenty of hot guys to dance with and I danced the night away. He saw me and stopped dead in his tracks. I didn't even give him the light of day. It was the most releasing thing I have done in a while. It gives me the strength I need to more forward in life.

As my motto this year is carry on, may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground.

For now I must say goodnight. Long week ahead.