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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Best Friend Party

Every year me and my 2 very best friends (out of the many), the ones I consider my sisters, get together and have a Christmas party. This year Pintrest was my drawing board. If you have never been on Pintrest they have a lot of fun usually easyand cute craft ideas. For Christmas this year they each received 3 gifts.

#1- paint swatch calendar. It was simply made by cutting FREE paint samples to a 2" width* and gluing them to either paper or cardstock the size of your frame. *I used an 11x17" frame so if you use smaller reduce the size of your paint samples. When done insert into frame and use a dry erase marker to create the calendar.

#2 - scrabble letter coasters Mogpodge scramble letters onto cork tiles and seal with modpoge for a coaster.

#3 Hot Chocolate in jars (not pictured) and stir sticks. For the stir sticks I dipped candy canes into a dark chocolate and let harden over night.

Super simple and all done in 9 hours.

Okay mow to go party. Merry Christmas y'all!

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