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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Work Work Work

Good Morning Loves :)

Work is blah this morning with all of the month end whopla done we are starting a new month.

Its been a rough last few weeks. Being sick sucks & not in the flu/cold sick type of way. Its scary when there is something wrong with your body but you have no clue what it is. It really freaks me out. Im currently scheduled to go see a Hematologist within a month to find out if its a blood disorder that is messing me all up or something else.

Anyways back to the happy side of my life... Halloween is coming up!!! That means Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Christmas are right around the corner! I so can not wait!!!

Well now work is picking back up so I better get back, I really am going to try and be better at posting more often. It will be easier with the holidays cause I always get to do more Crafts, Decorate and try new Recipes!!!

Until Later...

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