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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ice Cream in a Bag

My family has been begging me for this recipie so I thought I would add it.

This is a great summer treat, Cooking Lesson & Science Experiment all in one! Great for kiddos to do with friends!

Ingredients & Supplies Needed:
1 Large Zip Lock Bag (Gallon Size)
1 Small Zip Lock Bag (Sandwich) **If making more than single serving increase bag size**
1/2 c Half & Half (Milk works also but not as creamy)
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
Rock Salt (or ice cream salt if you can find it)


  1. Place Half & Half, sugar & vanilla in small bag & seal tightly!
  2. Fill Large bag 3/4 full with ice
  3. Sprinkle a generous amount of rock salt on to the ice (this helps the mixture freeze)
  4. Place the small bag inside the large and seal. 
  5. Shake the bags (ensuring the small one is covered by ice) for aprox 5 min or until the mixture is at ice cream texture. 
  6. Remove small bag, discard large bag with ice and ENJOY!
**Chefs Note: If you concerned regarding the smaller bag opening place it inside another small bag to create a double bag effect. You will have to shake longer to ensure the mixture freezes properly. **

Nutritional Information:
Serving Size: 1 Bag
Calories: 217
Total Fat: 13.8g
Saturated Fat: 8.6g
Cholesteral: 44.4 mg
Sodium: 49.7 mg
Carb: 18.3g
Sugar: 13.3g
Protein: 3.6g

Variations (nutritional information not available)
Add flavored extracts like Chocolate, Almond & Lemon to change the flavor of the Ice Cream

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